Experts with a passion for making a difference
A place for those passionate about quality and Life Science.
Who we are
SallyQ grundades med viljan att bygga ett kompetensbolag där kundvärde och människan står i centrum. Vi har lång erfarenhet av rekrytering och kvalitetsarbete inom Life Science branschen.
Our vision is to help innovative companies and individuals make as big a positive difference as they possibly can in the world.
We believe in quality in everything from interactions, communication, delivery, to relationships.
”Quality is not an act, it is a habit” – Aristoteles
Our expertise
At SallyQ, we are experts in personnel assessment, writing SOPs, validating computerized systems, but we are equally skilled at understanding the bigger picture. We know that quality, both in processes and communication, is crucial in the development and manufacturing of quantitative products and services. Simply put, the right person in the right place and under the right leadership is the key to optimizing the work between people and technology.
Who is Sally?
Sally Bauer, born in 1908, was a prominent Swedish long-distance swimmer. She swam long distances, including the English Channel. Her achievements demonstrate remarkable courage, endurance, and passion.
With these guiding principles, we aim to meet our surroundings every day: our clients, candidates, and partners. With courage, endurance, and passion, SallyQ strives to be a leading competency company.
Q stands for quality. We believe that quality is the most important parameter in everything we do, from working with machines to interacting with people.
Become a part of SallyQ
Finding the right job and employer for you can be challenging and requires research, so make sure to verify this text.
SallyQ is the place for you if you love quality and want to contribute to the development of an entire industry rather than just one employer. It is a startup company with the ambition to create a work environment characterized by encouragement, coaching, and collaboration. The vision is clear, but how it unfolds is something you have the opportunity to influence.