3 tips on how you can take responsibility for your upskilling and reskilling  

Further education, courses, the opportunity to learn more – these are all high on most people's wish lists. It’s an important aspect when choosing an employer and a recurring topic during employee performance reviews. But is spending a week at a course center really the dream we’re chasing? A week of information overload that rarely translates into practical use, and when we return home, we are so far behind in our regular work that there’s no time left for reflection. I’m aware that I’m painting a bleak picture, but I’m convinced that lifelong learning can be made a bit easier, without considering budget restrictions, your employer’s company policy, or a hectic workday. Here are my three best tips on how:  

1. Create a leadership network, or any type of network for that matter.  

Write down some key points about what you want to get out of the network, what you want to learn, and how you envision your meetings. Reach out to three people who inspire you and who you believe have the knowledge and experience you may lack. Ask for input on the proposed structure and request that they, in turn, contact three more people. Each person in the network will be responsible for preparing a question for the meeting based on the given format. The networks I’ve managed have consisted of around 10-15 individuals, and we’ve met every 6-9 weeks for 60-90 minutes. If you need inspiration, feel free to reach out.   

2. Create a book club at work. 

Gather a few colleagues who, like you, are curious and eager to learn new knowledge. Read books, listen to podcasts, or go through regulations of interest. Meet over lunch and discuss.   

3. Create group meetings with a 'plus menu.'  

Your work meetings don't have to be solely operational; there's plenty of opportunity to create your own agenda and tap into the knowledge within the group. Depending on how often you meet, you could consider holding 'plus menu' meetings once a month. Let one person give a presentation on a topic of their choice. Let creativity flow and look forward to learning everything from heritage preservation to Eudralex.  

/Sandra Bydell Sveder, Recruitment consultant at SallyQ

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